/ Shows this page
/72AEF5 Shows a preview of a hex code (if valid). Discord will (and other services may) show a preview in an embed when linked
/72AEF5-F27878 Compares 2 hex codes against each other. Embeds will be based on first colour
/rgb/15890552 Opens the colour viewer with a RGB integer
/rgb/242,120,120 The same thing, but for comma separated R G and B values
/hsv/0,50,95 Opens the colour viewer with a HSV value
/cmyk/0,50,50,5 Opens the colour viewer with a CMYK value
On all colour pages, you can click a converted value to copy it to your clipboard
This site was made by PineaFan. Optionally, you can buy me a coffee
The whole site is open source and made using Next.js
It's hosted on Vercel
Colour Definitions
Hex codes
- 1 Character (#A): Repeat 6 times (#AAAAA)
- 2 Characters (#AB): Use for R, G and B (#ABABAB)
- 3 Characters (#ABC): Use for Repeat each character twice (#AABBCC)
- 4 Characters (#ABCD): Pad with 0s (#ABCD00)
- 5 Characters (#ABCDE): Pad with 0s (#ABCDE0)
- 6 Characters (#ABCDEF): Use as is (#ABCDEF)
- Integer: A single, non-padded number from 0 to 16777215 (0xFFFFFF)
- Comma separated: 3 comma separated numbers from 0 to 255 (0,255,255)
- Comma separated: 3 comma separated numbers from 0 to 100 (0,100,100)
- Comma separated: 4 comma separated numbers from 0 to 100 (0,100,100,100)
react-rewards - Confetti effects on copy
react-helmet - HTML head management
sharp - Image processing
typescript - TypeScript
Here's some of the standard colours I (and Clicks) use:
[Red #F27878][Orange #E5AB71][Yellow #F2D478][Green #65CC76][Cyan #72AFE5][Blue #6576CC][Purple #8D58B2]Contact
Twitter @PineaFan
Discord @PineaFan